Mutton News

Latest News about mutton.

BBC Radio Scotland

Mutton was featured on Radio Scotland's programme Kitchen Cafe, on the 24th October. The programme can still be heard at the BBC Radio Scotland website.

"Mutton used to take pride of place on kitchen tables across the country. But today we no longer eat mutton or even view mutton in the way we used to. Bob Kennard explains why there was a demise in mutton and urges us to try again with this meat that many consider to be tastier than lamb.

For generations Colin Clydesdale has had mutton recipes handed down his family, traditional recipes of mutton and tattie soup and roast leg of mutton. He talks about his favourite recipes and why he has never fallen out of love with mutton.

Jane Moncrieff explores the origins of Shetland's traditional delicacy, reestit mutton, finding out how a salty and sweet brine and then hanging to dry for 21 days adds a further depth of flavour to the meat.

Chef John Quigley demonstrates how to make a simple mutton cous cous."